
Welcome to thisisGO.ie

thisisGO.ie is an online personalised resource for you and yours who have been impacted by a gynaecological cancer.

Gynaecological cancers refer to any cancer of the female reproductive system which includes the uterus (womb), the ovaries, the cervix (the neck of the womb), the vulva (the outer part of the female genitals) or the vagina.

To mark World Gynaecological Oncology Day on 20th September, we invite you to attend a free webinar highlighting the signs and symptoms of the 5 gynaecological cancers and prevention strategies.  We will hear from 5 patients on their experience.   Just click the button below to register.


Each gynaecological cancer has different symptoms. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms in the chart below for more than two weeks, please make an appointment to see your doctor to discuss further. You may feel embarrassed discussing some of these symptoms, this is normal, your doctor is here to help, and it may save your life.

Chart image designed by Slainté an Chlair, Clare Cancer Support Centre

Benefits of thisisGO.ie

Made for you

Patient and public involvement throughout the project. An Irish resource for an Irish audience.

Built on trust

A reputable site supported by Irish gynaecological, radiation and medical oncologists. Populated by leading Irish experts in allied health.

Easy to use

thisisGO is a highly functional platform designed for ease of use. Information is accessible and broken into manageable and digestible sections.


Tailored to meet your needs with information that is current, reputable and relevant. Accurate information for you and your family at your fingertips.

"Finally a practical and functional website for women like me who live in the aftermath of cervical cancer, I wish this was around when I was diagnosed"
Jane, 37

Phases of thisisGO

Phase 1 was launched on September 20th 2021.  It is a personalised
online resource for women impacted by cervical cancer. If you have a partner in your life, this platform can also support them. If you are a health care provider working in the area this can also support you and your

If you are newly diagnosed, receiving treatment, in surveillance
or living well with and beyond cancer thisisGO.ie has information that is
tailored to meet your needs.

During 2022 the remaining 4 gynaecological cancers Ovarian, Uterine, Vulval and Vaginal were launched as well as the addition of a genetic pathway for those impacted by BRCA and Lynch Syndrome. 


Decoding the science

We have referenced the most recent scientific papers pertinent to cervical cancer and summarised the key points from each of the papers. This area will be regularly updated.