
What is PPI?

PPI stands for Patient and Public Involvement. The term “public” refers to all patients and persons who use health and social care services. This includes members from organisations that represent people who use these services.

PPI members generally volunteer to join a group and or organisation where they can use their expertise to influence research, national guidelines and projects like thisisGO along with shaping policy.

thisisGO and PPI

The team at thisisGO recognises the importance of including the PPI’s voice right throughout the project. A call was issued in early November 2020 to the Irish Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ISGO) PPI group seeking volunteers to partake in this project. The first workshop was held at the end of November 2020 to float the concept. Each disease site has had a seperate working group to help populate the pathway.  PPI continues to play a valuable role in shaping thisisGO.ie. 

The Irish Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ISGO)

ISGO was re-established in December 2015 as an all-Ireland venture, focused on the treatment of all gynaecological cancers. Members include lead clinicians, nurse specialists, scientists and allied health care professionals working in the area of gynaecology oncology in Ireland. The Society meets several times a year focusing on the full continuum of cancer care; from prevention to diagnosis, treatment, living with and beyond cancer and palliation.

The ISGO realises the importance of including the Patient and Public voice in the management of all aspects of gynaecological oncology. The aim is to have a strong partnership with our patients and therefore achieve more as a group and encourage better patient experience.

Invitation to partake in future projects

The ISGO-PPI would like to invite you to become part of a dynamic group of individuals who have been directly impacted by a gynaecological cancer or have a special interest within this area of health care.

“Being part of the ISGOPPI has been fulfilling personally, it is rewarding to utilising my experience as a patient in a positive way influencing research….”

Your voice and experience matter to us, working together we can bring about change.

Where can I find out more?

E: isgoppi@gmail.com

w: www.isgo.ie