The Sleepio After Cancer (SAC) Study
SAC Study
The SAC study is recruiting participants from the Mater University Hospital and St Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin
The SAC study is recruiting women over the age of 18 with a history of cancer (currently having treatment or having completed treatment), who are having difficulty with their sleep.
Full title of trial

The Sleepio After Cancer (SAC) Study

Digital CBT for insomnia (dCBT-I) in women cancer patients: a randomized control trial

Full criteria
  1. Women aged 18 and over
  2. Current or prior diagnosis of invasive cancer
  3. Sleep Condition Indicator with score less than or equal to 16
  4. Internet access and comfortable with its use
  5. Fluent in English (written and spoken)
Opening and closing dates

The SAC Study is currently open to recruitment.  We anticipate that recruitment will be completed by Dec 2024

Who to contact

Dr Teresa Treacy
